Blog Post

Reasons to Consider Surgery for TMJ Issues

  • By Admin
  • 28 Nov, 2017
Dental surgery
Are you suffering from painful and chronic TMJ issues? If so, you may begin to wonder whether or not surgery could be the solution you are looking for. Before you take the step of choosing to have an operation, think through these considerations that may indicate you should choose surgery.

You Have Tried Everything Else

TMJ issues can be incredibly painful and difficult to handle. Before choosing surgery, however, it is best that you exhaust all other possible options. TMJ surgery is a big step to take, and it is not reversible.

You Have Talked With Your Doctor

Before choosing to have TMJ surgery, it is imperative that you speak with your doctor. Ask questions regarding the benefits you are likely to receive, as well as any potential downsides of the operation.

You Want a Permanent Solution

As with all major medical procedures, TMJ surgery can carry some risks. However, TMJ surgery is also a permanent solution to your jaw problems. The operation can help make it so that you never have to worry about TMJ issues again. Make sure to discuss with your doctor if the permanent solution is right for your needs.

Are you thinking about seeking TMJ surgery? Contact The Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery Center, P.A. to discuss treatment options today.

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